Saturday, December 1, 2012

My one-liners from 13Jan2011 to 1Jun 2013 posted on FB

-1jun- Raavana Smiley  :-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-)
-31may-The met dept has predicted heavy rains for the next one week. I can now confidently go ahead with the external painting works of the house.
-30may-Are lottery tickets really lootery tickets?
-29may-Mary had a little lamb, its fleece as white as snow. And wherever that Mary went the lamb was sure to go. Airtel was the name of the lamb.
-28may-rushed down to the car in the dark, got in and switched on the ignition. the engine roared to life drowned by a scream from the side. I turned to look at my wife. Then I screamed. Was she in disguise? No, I had got into the wrong car.
-22may- Right time for parents to get girls married away, gold is heading south.
-21may- i made a resolve to shed weight visiting the health club regularly in spite of being lazy to the core. Memory being poor, to remember the resolution, i bought a book on enhancing the grey cells. Now i don't remember where that book is. Thank God!
-19may-My wife and I  decided to be vegetarian for a month. I overheard our canine Socrates talking to his friend across, " something tells me i am in for a recession ".
-18may-Even a non-watcher like me have started following IPL on TV, more than the game I keenly watch all the mannerisms displayed by the players on field.
-17may-Next IPL one more team likely, the Dirty Eleven, straight from Indian prisons.
-16may-Earthquake. Nature's way to bring man down to earth.
-15may-Seeing "Press Here" I pressed, a couple of journalists appeared from nowhere and sat down around me.
-13may-Waist changes to waste as the inches grow.
-8may-Belly dancers graduate from the Navel Academy.
-7may-Bankers, an "interest"ing community.
-6may-Who says plain is simple? I have been sitting  for the last one week on a 550 piece jig-saw puzzle of a plain empty blackboard.
-4may-Nothing certain this month, its all "may".
-3may-Indian politicians are the least corrupt in the world. The lie detector connected to me just blew its fuse.
-30apr-Do you often have the feeling that you are the only sensible driver on the road, and all the rest idiots? No problem, we all share the same feeling.
-29apr-Make use of the Italian Marines. Put them on our Navy vessels patrolling the Somalian pirated seas.
-28apr-To think simple looks too complicated to practise.
-27apr-Patting my bald top I looked to see my wife stare admiringly at the guy close by, brandishing his thick and long hair." Nice wig, huh?!", I whispered acidly.
-25apr-The judge had the last word, it was a sentence.
-24apr-He came. He saw. He slaughtered. Chris Ga(y)le.
-23apr-Being a numismatist i asked the  tour guide to take me to the coin collectors in the city. He promptly took me to the beggar colony.
-22apr-Mothers struggling their mornings trying to send two kids to school should read Gandhari's  "101 tips to grow 101 children ".
-21apr-At a company function the person testing the mike shouted "Check, check,check". Saw a group of people rushing towards the stage. They were the vendors expecting the payments.
-20apr-- With only one child to marry off the matrimonial ad can say " Limited Edition".
-18apr-A narcissist  is one who after posting on FB hits the Like button.
-17apr-Home is a place where items with limited shelf life are stored for the rest of your life.
-16apr-With the Heaven above and the Hell below any wonder why we are stuck here with so many middlemen?
-14apr-Vish u all happy and prosperous times ahead!
-13apr-Garib Rath of the Indian Railways is an expensive train that makes one poor after purchasing the ticket.
-12 apr-Dysentry stood near the gate keeping watch, awaiting his replacement, so that he could rush and relieve himself.
-11apr-Chronic horror movie viewers don't need nail cutters.
-10apr-Unlike other jobs successful copy writers get opportunities right from childhood, honing their skills during  class exams.
-9apr-At times i go on my wife's FB account and post "Like"s on all my mundane posts.
-8apr-Still remember those days when i used to gape in awe at the typist and the typewriter, magic fingers working on a most complicated machine.
-6apr-Displayed at the restaurant close by:
Tea : Rs.7.00
Without Tea: Rs.6.00
-5apr-"How was the Mafia goonda party?"
"Complete Adichupolichu!"
-4apr-Kerala has plenty of black elephants in the forests and plenty of white elephants all over the state.
-2apr-Mother tongue. Naturally.
-1apr-"How is the yacht?"
 Shortly it sank.
-31mar-The march ends today. Tomorrow all likely to make a fool of myself.
-30mar-North, South or West its Easter all over the world tomorrow. Happy Easter!
-28mar-Consuming un-tested blood Dracula looks all set to be tested HIV positive.
-27mar-Yesterday at the railway station heard the public announcement that Kerala Express aane ki sambhaavana hai, wonder which elephant gave away the gift.
-26mar-Bata's dream - millipedes wearing shoes.
-25mar-New borns these days must be learning that life is all about looking at screens, papa at the laptop, mama at the mobile, grand parents at the TV, big bro at the Play Station....
-24mar-when young i was encouraged to remember everything and store them in my mind. Now, growing older i am told to forget the past and not keep anything in the mind.
-22mar-Is 100 metres dash censored?
-21mar-Saw the zebra crossing,think he's Christian.
-20mar-Plenty of liquor stores and health clubs in the tiny state of Kerala ensures the male population  being "fit".
-19mar- Why is death by electrocution practised in the US and not in India? Un-interrupted power supply.
-18mar-Having a pair of hands and ten fingers carry some benefits. Covering the face and peeping between the fingers, watching horror movies is one such.
-15mar-Italian marines - Daee poyee daa vannillaa!
-14mar-Conversation overheard on International Women's Day:
Ramesh: These days women have all the attention and importance. See! a day exclusively for women! what do us, poor men folk, have?
Jaya: 364 days.
-13mar-X -Watt is the unit of power?
 Y- Yes
 X- What yes?
 Y- Yes, Watt
 X- What?
 Y- Yes ..........and thus continued the conversation.
-11mar-Malayalis are called mallus because avarkkoru ellu kooduthalaa.
-20feb-On the train the vendor screamed "Koppi, Koppi!!",  thirstily bought a cup, found he was absolutely true, thin and tasteless, it was just a  bad copy.
-19feb-i "Liked" pictures of gods, godmen, transparent outlines of them in thin air and in the clouds, all within the specified time of just 3 to 8 seconds, on FB. Looks like i am indeed going to have a lucky and prosperous period ahead.
-18feb-The guys fortunate enough to pore over shapely figures, while on the job, are the accountants.
-17feb-Ego should have been spelled Igo.
-15feb-With so many fraudsters crawling all over the net we could gift them unique ids, for e.g. gettricked.con or loseallyourwealth@africamail.con
-14feb-Call a spade a spade and experience echo.
-13feb-My wife says i am getting handsomer by the day.Decided to postpone buying her the new set of lenses.
-12feb-To err is human, to terribly err is advanced technology.
-11feb-The doctor said I had stone in my kidney. Not bad, considering that now i am in possession of a secret weapon.
-9feb-Celebrity Cricket League match happening now at Kochi. Our team Kerala Strikers, named so owing to the state's inclination towards bandhs, hartals and such forms of entertainment.
-6feb-I am green with envy, blind with rage, black and blue from yesterday's fight, does that make me a physically challenged colourful personality?
-1feb-After joining FB i had the fortune of owning a whole city, a huge farm and a fabulous roller-coaster theme park, though i lost my job building up my empire.
-31jan-My wife has permitted me to have the freedom to say anything, does that make me a free man?
-30jan-Are board meetings wrongly spelled?
-29jan-Alcohol enters the blood stream. So mosquitoes lucky enough to bite the drunk must be flying zig-zag.
-28jan-One being in a particular religion is an accident of history.-
-27jan-No cause for worry if by some chance all the currency mints in India were to come to a halt, Pakistan will supply the same without fail.
-26jan-The Govt. has announced raising the price of diesel by 50 paise every month, that makes 12 hartals ensured in Kerala.
-25jan-Dracula dreads Kochi, too many mosquitoes after his blood, he says.
-23jan-The only place where i find the crowd getting bigger when prices go up is the jewellery shop
-22jan-My wallet is better known as a plastic card holder.
-20jan-Waiting for the doctor to appear after his rounds, at the hospital, i found out the origin of the word "patient".
-4jan-Prisoners behind bars acquire the special ability to read between the lines
-3jan-At Govt. offices "Enquiry" is the counter where you wait asking where the Enquiry Officer has gone.
-2jan-Thanks to FB my wife and i have begun to like each other.
-1jan-Weekly forecast- Major likelihood to write 2 instead of 3 while writing dates on cheques, letters etc, for the next couple of days.
-1jan-Wish you all another 365 days of goodness, happiness and prosperity!
-31dec-My cousins have come home from abroad. "International menu!" screamed our mosquitoes. 
-22dec-Hope all Doomsdays pass off in the same manner, without a whimper.
-21dec-Bought a house after hearing the fantastic offer of 30% off. The roof was missing.
-19dec-I am least worried about the 21.12.2012 Doomsday happening, my star forecast in the newspaper has already said that next week i am in for a pleasant surprise.
-18dec-Any time i think of an idea one cellular operator calls up.
-17dec-Want to have the person who can solve all your problems to be with you at all times? Keep a mirror handy.
-15dec- I found honesty,sincerity,trust, compassion, all at one place, the trash can
14dec-I found peace, tranquility, bliss and harmony all at one place, the dictionary.
-13dec-Pole vault is the place where you hide things high up, out of reach from others.
-12dec-Yesterday had big ideas about celebrating 12:12:12 on 12.12.12, today did not even notice the time as it went past, did you?
-11dec-Never compare your children with others, others will do it.
-10dec-Previously only onions made me cry, but now with prices riding high, all vegetables equally do.
-6dec-Deserts are the best places to set up units manufacturing hour glasses.
-5dec-Once steel rods were inserted to reinforce my fractured leg I became a lot more attractive, magnetically.
-4dec-God's surname starts with 'O'.
-3dec-Elbomania-The silent battle inside the movie theatre, with eyes glued to the screen, to own elbow space on the arm rest from the stranger seated next.
-2dec-I hate procrastination, especially the way its spelt.
-29nov-Looked at the mirror. Was the tummy too big? Acted without delay, removed the mirror.
-28nov-Transparent deals these days, happen only with the glass dealers.
-27nov-I made a list of oxymorons and handed over the original copy to the publisher.
-26nov-I sensed she was getting older when she announced shifting her stay close to the museum.
-27sep-Thank you all, my dear friends, who wished me on my birthday! I know you are all delighted in seeing me get one year older!
-1sep-Time to de-Onam and get back to work.
-27aug-In a world of silence the one thing i want sound is my bank balance.
-21aug-We should be grateful to Google and other search engines on the internet for getting us whatsoever information we wanted, on our finger tips. By the way who is your neighbour?
-20aug-Plain living, these days, is otherwise known as crisis management.
-19aug-These days i wince while meeting some people i know, they are the ones i missed out inviting to my daughter's wedding. I also see some smiling sheepishly upon seeing me, they are the ones who missed the wedding in spite of being invited.
-18aug-There are two kinds of people on earth, the ones who return the pens borrowed from you, and the ones who involuntarily deposit them in their own pockets.
-17aug-My friends, colleagues and other acquainances have wonderful names, but I am dead scared of forgetting them at the right moment when I am about to introduce them to others
-11aug-Once upon a time the salt and pepper haired used to get seats in crowded buses, not any more.
-10aug- Geography at school taught that India is bounded by the sea on three sides and by the Himalayas at the top. After crawling through government offices I have enlightened myself that its not so. India is bounded on all sides with a red tape.
-3aug-In Tamilnadu I found that the most common name was "Sar".
-2aug- Nohartalophobia - The fear that there will be no hartal atleast once every fortnight, experienced exclusively by a population in the southern part of India owned by God.
-2aug-Hartal-God's gift to his own country men.
-27jul-The form of life purely dependent on light energy is the shadow.
-25jul-In Kerala Dengue disease and Chickungunya are spreading at an alarming pace, do we have a hartal tomorrow?
-23jul-Currently hotels in Kerala are being raided left, right and centre un-earthing pre-historic food being served to the customers. If the raids were extended to homes, most housewives too could end up behind bars.
-22jul-Cats, with nine lives, apart from keeping track of all mishaps they go thru', need to learn to count as well,to know where they stand in life.
-21jul-On the road I saw a zebra crossing, then I knew he was a Christian.
-18jul-Marriages are made in heaven, but the expenses are borne on earth.
-18jun-The key personnel in our organisation lock up the rooms after all the others have left.
-15jun- : ) ( - 0 P ;  etc. ,thankyou.Without you we would have remained expressionless.
-14jun-Noah's mistake was in allowing mosquitoes, spiders, cockroaches and the like to board the ship.
-12jun-I started practising Hurdles after i got  studying Geography. It said that one had to cross over a lot of Latitudes and Longitudes to move from one place to another.
-11jun-Attukal Pongala is the day when Thiruvananthapuram is declared a No Man's Land.
-4jun-An island is a land mass where both the ends of a straight line are wet.
-1jun-If you put all the eggs in one basket, there's going to be a space constraint when they hatch.
-31may-Necessity is the mother of invention. How come she didn't get a Nobel prize?
-29may-The Pandavas were lucky to have one single Draupadi for wife, each had to undergo only 20% nagging.
-26may-with regular junk food and no exercise one stands all the chance to become an all-rounder.
-25may-Mankind it was, not so kind these days.
-24may-Considering the origins of Western philosophy, no wonder they sound so Greek.
-23may-The nice part of Facebook is that it gives everyone an opportunity to like others.
-22may-What came first, the chicken or the egg? either way lunch looks good.
-17may-In olden days arsenic was used as poison for slow death. Today we have televishum in the form of serials.
-16may-Whatever be the level of planning and preparedness, the last 10 minutes of frenzy are almost the same for all, the prepared and the unprepared.
-15may-If seeing or hearing is what you believe, the level of belief must be inversely proportional to your age.
-12may-Have the FM radio stations conspired to create traffic snarls so that you stay on road and continue listening to them?
-11may-The best of technologies have not been able to mend the hole in my wallet.
-8may-The refrigerator and the microwave oven are the magical tools with the wife, to convince the husband that pre-historic food is served fresh every day.
-1may--Is a civil engineering structure called a building because it never gets complete?
-27apr- We used to call Nelson who stayed upstairs Nelson Mandela.
-26apr-If all people were honest and transparent we could have done away with the Police and the MRI scans.
-25apr- Are electric crematoriums user friendly? we'll never know.
-24apr-I have told my son a million times not to say anything that was untrue or exaggerating.
-23apr-Count 1 to 10 when you feel angry,  i advised my friend. He said it didn't work. I found it was because he counted 1,2,10.
-22apr-Joined a health club to shed weight. Beneficiary was my wallet.
-21apr-Suicide is jumping the queue to get past the finishing line earlier, and still be the loser.
-20apr-Read a book written by a serious journalist, page 3 was blank.
-19apr-My railway diary:  I trained my way to Trivandrum last week. I slept soundly during the whole training.
-18apr-In civil engineering the most boring job is piling.
-17apr-My secret password is seven black dots.
-14apr-(not mine)-Don't do something permanently stupid just because you are temporarily upset.
-13apr-Vish u all the best of happiness and prosperous times ahead!
-12apr-Not having a watch is a timeless experience.
-11apr-In my next birth i wish to be a comic strip character so that i never age.
-10apr-I am of average height, does that qualify me to become a middle man?
-9apr-Hearing that money is the root of all evil I started digging all over the place.
-7apr-Facebook is where we go green with envy seeing the good times of others.
-6apr-The bird who has joined the band of birds like the Ostrich, the Emu and the Penguin is the Kingfisher. None fly.
-5apr-To see flying saucers on a cool and starry night, pick up a fight with your wife.
-4apr-Father told me the secret to pass down the generations, "Mum's the word".
-3apr-Julius Caesar-history, Cleopatra-herstory.
-2apr-People who think out of the box might be wondering how to get back in.
-1apr-Celebrated April 1 on March 31st watching "King and Commissioner", the worst movie seen in recent times.
-1apr-Two's company, three a better one, with a casting vote.
-31mar-Today I was nominated Vice-President of an organisation. I have a doubt that my character had a lot to do with the decision.
-27mar-The skill in  blowing a balloon depends on the sixth sense that tells when to stop.
-26mar-"Silence!" is the loudest word heard in many a classroom.
-25mar-I  was part of a cricket match today where I was able to do magic. I turned myself into a duck.
-23mar-Where there's a will there's  a way to a possible fortune.
-21mar-Need to see whether Nokia was named by someone from Thiruvananthoram.
-18mar-Once upon a time parents and grandparents  read out stories to little kids and they lived happily ever after.
-16mar-If only the guys we interview were half as good as their resumes.....
-15mar-One way to learn difficult words right is to have the tongue cleaned regularly.
-14mar-Silence is golden when the mouth is plastered with gilt paper.
-13mar-Watched a steamy movie today, it  explained in detail how to build a sauna.
-12mar-A good security guard is a moveable asset having compound interest.
-11mar-Saw a new application which revealed the time spent on Facebook by each person. I use a simpler apparatus, called the weighing scale.
-8mar-To make the most of time one needs to rest a while.
-7mar- Leave alone the bulls and the bears, I am looking for the cash cow.
-6mar-Banks give away loans to those who provide documents that prove they are rich.
-5mar-You need to be made of sand to make an hourglass figure.
-4mar-Do the crows really know how much the way they fly matters to others?
-3mar- Anonymity at times is the biggest privacy in a crowd.
-2mar- If you have butterflies in your stomach, you are a stage frightened non-vegetarian.
-1mar-Good news! Great food is now available at your nearest TV.
-29feb-Lived an extra day today,tomorrow we begin the march.
-28feb-Neighbours are a rare kind of people you at times meet up at malls, theatres and restaurants.
-27feb-Positive energy is the most durable, effective and inexpensive makeup that i know.
-26feb-Sense of timing is more important than the management of time.
-25feb-To err is human, i would like that to be considered for all my acts.
-24feb-Some people look the same even after 20 years. That's simply not fair.
-22feb-When i got the rashes i had to start from scratch.
-21feb-All work and no pay makes Kingfisher a dull airline.
-20feb-Having a chauffeur has some benefits. One is that it makes you an expert backseat driver.
-19feb-Common sense needs to be named something else as it has become quite rare.
-18feb-I have never ventured into the stock markets as i have always been scared of bulls and bears.
-17feb-The power of zero is evident while peering into the wallet at the close of the month.
-16feb-Anger is proprietary, no one else can display it.
-14feb-Ego with only three letters weighs a lot.
-13feb-India is heavily populated as the people are highly creative.
-12feb-In the forest one is likely to be safer moving on all fours.
-9feb-A calendar is simply to make aware that your days are numbered.
-7feb-My wife says I am a sound sleeper, she has the audio tapes to prove.
-8feb-Zoo is a place where criminals put the innocent behind bars.
-6feb-You can work only on your good habits, all the bads ones are genetic.
-5feb-By the time i spell or name "aphrodisiac" the effect is off.
-3feb-The tallest guy can always be identified inside a dark movie house, he invariably sits in front of me.
-1feb-Cannibals of today sustain on junk food.
-31jan-My chances of joining a fitness club are slim, so i stay a round.
-30jan-Tomorrow is patiently waiting for all of us to reach there.
-28jan-A celebrity is a person who is loved by too many strangers.
-27jan-Have often heard people say that the word "Impossible" is not in their dictionary. Sue the publisher!
26jan-To reach the starting point you still need to walk up to it.
23jan-What is next to impossible? Impost, is what my dictionary says.
23jan-I dream of genetic technology reaching a point where one could go out and shop for patience, attitude, humility etc. off the shelf.
22jan-An autobiography says what the person wants you to know about him, not necessarily what was.
21jan-The unobstructed posterior view of cameramen- professional,amateur and the un-initiated, is what marriage functions are all about, for the attendees.
20jan-Eating is primarily an activity to keep the civic sewage treatment plant working.
18jan-When a pessimist thinks the negative of the negative, does that make him an optimist?
17jan-Dictionary is a book you always believe you possess, but never available when incommodious words turn up.
16jan-I am a down to earth person, thanks to gravity.
15jan-Marriages are made in heaven.Hell breaks loose later.
13jan-New Year marks the beginning of yet another generation gap.
11jan-Now is the time when you think about the past and the future.
10jan- Starting to feel relaxed, as the resolutions painfully made are begining to disappear.
9jan-Dream becomes a nightmare when the mind starts galloping into the dark.
7jan-The only day that doesn't end with a "y" is tomorrow.
3jan-What's on my mind has nothing to do with what's on your mind! Still the Post....
3jan-There are certain times when you stare at the Google web page and wonder what to search for.
3jan-What's on my mind has nothing to do with what's on your mind! Still the Post....
2jan-my new year resolution this year was - to reduce the number of resolutions you broke by one.
2jan-The bench mark for having a good sense of humour is having the abilility to laugh at oneself.
27dec-Theory of Relativity applies to all families.
25dec-Zoo is the place where a lot of two legged animals parade before you from morning till evening, while we simply relax watching their pranks. ----from a monkey diary.
25dec-Christmas.Birth of the man who influenced the world we know, the most.
16dec-Middle age is probably the period when the middle becomes the most prominent part of the body.
16dec-Is our PM a successful failure?
14dec-I wonder how kid stories began before " Once upon a time..."
13dec-Grand Kerala Shopping Festival? Better Luck Next time!
13dec-Creativity is at its best where there are no prejudices.
10dec-Work is worship, for the temple priest.
9dec-Solution to Mullaperiyar from bursting........freeze it!
6dec-With a marriageable daughter, gold gives me more than glitters, the jitters.
4dec-23 years of patience,tolerance and understanding, thankyou partner!
2dec-the standard way i have seen people trying to find the others' age, innocently: "Which school/college did you pass out from? Which year was that?"
1dec-Today our water pipes went dry, Thirstday it has become eventually!
30nov-To enjoy light moments stand in the sun.
28nov-You know you are looking old, when people you think are middle aged, start calling you "Uncle/ Aunty".
28nov-To feel more beautiful stop looking at the mirror.
26nov-Too much time in front of flat screens create round bellies.
24nov-Today is the first day of the rest of your life.
23nov-Karna was produced from Solar energy.
23nov-Mullaperiyar..... a tale of two states. One says Dam It ! , the other says Damn It !
22nov-People I meet after a long time say I look more or less the same. It may be so because I looked old even when i was young.
20nov-Waiting for the day when the keyboard can help me smile with my head up :-)
20nov-Failure is the stepping stone to Success. Too much success could be the stepping stone to failure. Lesson, stepping stones make or break your life :-)
19nov-If the apes became humans how come they are still around?
16nov-Middle age is probably the period when the middle becomes the most prominent part of the body.
16nov-Is our PM a successful failure?
14nov-I wonder how kid stories began before " Once upon a time..."
13nov-Creativity is at its best where there are no prejudices.
13nov-Grand Kerala Shopping Festival? Better Luck Next time!
13nov-The Supreme Court has spoken. Time for Kerala to sing....why this kolaveri di!
12nov-Work is worship, for the temple priest.
14nov-At the beach the frothy waves, I wave back.
11nov-I have been wanting to teach my team about "procrastination". Something or the other always turns up and its getting extended.Should also find some good examples to explain.
11nov-Today there was a lot of media hype about the magical moment 11.11.11 on 11.11.11 . Maybe only .11% really bothered about all that, and the rest carrying on with their chores, not ever noticing, as historical moment went by.
10nov-The early bird gets the worm. Worms therefore are taking to night shifts.
9nov-While I am away on tour my wife puts on a tape that plays my snore, for a sound sleep.
7nov-Death is the end of the liver.
6nov-I wish i could lose those calories, walking in my dreams.
6nov-Please Like this, before it goes down.....down.....down.......
3nov-To explain craters i opened my mouth.
2nov-Sick leave are taken on weak days.
2nov-Reaching home I put away all the masks of the day and put on the mask marked "Home" before knocking on the door.
2nov-My oldest grandfather was called Adam. Yours too, I know.
1nov-The shortest sentence is "I am." The longest sentence is behind bars.
1nov-When we are punctual the guys who are late think we are early as we have plenty of time to waste.
31oct-Old habits die hard. To live good habits is harder.
31oct-Snakes and Ladders is the simplest game to teach children the ups and downs in life.
30oct-Valmiki is seriously considering changing his hero's name to Ra-mon.
30oct-People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. How can they do such things in full public view?
27oct-All roads lead to Rome. So guys who are lost end up meeting the Pope.
27oct-A rolling stone can gather no moss, you need a tinge of Fevikwik to make that happen.
27oct-Diwali is the festival of lights, and gets your wallet lighter.
25oct-My Thesaurus is missing. I am at a loss for words.
25oct-Light at the end of the tunnel works only 50% of the time.
25oct-Mediocrity is the best way to live.
22oct-Obesity is big business.
22oct-Barking dogs dont bite, therefore biting dogs are dumb.
21oct-In our house there are two humans, one dog and a thousand unseen ants, who is the owner?
21oct-Most fundamentalists have the wrong basics.
21oct-A terrorist has the "error" within him.
20oct-Dracula's blood group is AB+, can drink any blood.
20oct-Kids till they grow older depend on their parents for ATM services, "Appan Tharum Ammayum".
18oct-I await the day when wrinkles and dark circles are going to be the rage of the fashion world.
18oct-Others celebrate your birthday because they are happy at someone else getting older.
18oct-And going by the way strikes by the labour parties happen compared to other states, Kerala needs to be re-termed as a "Union Territory"!
17oct-Going by the statistics of liquor sale,Kerala needs to be re-named as Madya Pradesh.
4oct-India has a billion people. Fertile land.
3oct-Ramzan is slow fast.
23feb-Sleep is the best way to experience life after death.
13feb-Government: poor the people, off the people,buy the people.
11feb-Land is what the sea has spared.
1feb-'Be Motivated' is what you teach others,and yet struggle to be,everyday.
29jan-In FB Like was selected over Love because you can't Unlove.
29jan-Before marriage-History. After marriage-Herstory
29jan-when one runs out of ideas, real creativity starts.
25jan-Past,Present and Future.Can I have one more option?
24jan-There was a time long long ago when Onions were frightfully expensive. The tears, genetically evolved, are proof enough.
Days of the week set as per the moods....for example...
 Someday- day to commit all your promises to others.
 Moanday- day to go to work.
 Toosday- day to identify all your betrayers ( Aaah! You too Bru....!)
Whensday- delightful day to take commitments from all others.
22jan-Biggest family is mine. All Indians are my siblings.
19jan-Only when you really listen, you really see.
13jan-Tall men and short men have different points of view, but the middlemen take all the profits